Her Uniform Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 3) Read online

Page 7

  Now Brandi’s heart ached, along with her arm and head.

  It’d been a long and trying day, but Kade couldn’t quite constitute calling it bad. Once they’d determined Brandi and her truck had received more damage than Old Charlie, the vet had carted the horse back to Haggerty’s ranch, and he’d taken responsibility of the woman. No vehicle. No family. Someone had to help her. But even as he’d slipped into a spare Army T-shirt stored in his jeep, he’d known it all boiled down to the fact he just hadn’t been ready to leave the designer.

  Then there was the puppy. With no chip, a mass of fleas, in need of a good bath and several meals, Ace had been given a clean bill of health…and to Kade.

  It was either that or a shelter. He was having none of that. He didn’t abandon. Ever. Even if he technically hadn’t been the one to find the dog.

  His glance settled on the woman curled up against him as he sat watching the evening news at her house. Pangs of some foreign emotion battered and poked until he shifted. He really should go. This was crazy. What was he doing here? Christ. He was too messed up to play house, no matter how good the woman felt in his arms.

  “You okay?” Big, brown eyes looked up at him, all sleepy and warm.

  That warmth settled inside him and squashed the urge to run. He brushed a piece of caramel colored hair behind her ear and smiled.

  “Yeah, I’m good. How about you? Doc gave me your pain meds. It’s been several hours since your shot. You want one?”

  “No.” She shook her head and winced. “Okay, yeah, maybe.”

  Gently wriggling out from behind her, he wondered just how the woman kept ending up in his arms today, as he got to his feet to fetch water and pills from her kitchen. She’d given him the grand tour when they’d first arrived. The quaint little seaside cottage done in whites and blues, although small, had a big, warm feel. The designer claimed it suited her and her cat just fine.

  Ace had certainly approved, rushing in and out of all five rooms in record time. Her big, fluffy, orange cat Mozart hadn’t appreciated the rescue’s curiosity and promptly retreated to the sanctuary of the window seat the dog couldn’t reach. No matter how many times he tried. And he tried many.

  Kade didn’t blame the poor cat, though. Ace was most definitely hyper, even more since Brandi had insisted they bathe and treat the bedraggled pup for fleas in a basin out back two hours ago.

  He glanced down at the dog following closely at his feet. Who knew there was a cute white puppy underneath all the dirt and dust that had matted his fur? Now he could see the poor dog was minus a few too many meals. Something Kade would rectify without trouble at Shadow Rock. In the meantime, Brandi had insisted he stop to buy kibble for the pup on their way to her house, so now the little guy was cleaned and fed. Which was more than could be said for him. But his needs could wait until Brandi’s were met.

  “Okay, here you go.” He handed the pretty designer the bottle of pills and a glass of water. “You sure I can’t get you something more to eat?”

  “No.” She shook her head, and then winced as she sat on the couch. “Kerri and Jordan are bringing food over when they leave work in an hour. Besides, you already made me some killer grilled cheese. But, please, if you’re hungry, go ahead and fix yourself something.”

  “I’m good,” he said, part of him relieved to know he only had to keep an eye on her for another hour, while other parts of him protested. The woman was too tempting. And he’d seen more of her luscious body than he should. Thank God she’d put on one of her own shirts and a pair of jeans that weren’t ripped when they’d arrived. He was only human. “You only had half of the sandwich, though. Surely you’re still hungry? That was over three hours ago.”

  Brandi took her medicine and smiled. “I’m fine.” Then she frowned at the clock above the stone fireplace. “I feel so bad. You’ve been babysitting me for a good five hours, Kade. Go home. The girls will be here soon.”

  “Nope.” He smiled and retook his seat on the couch. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” Ace promptly jumped up and settled on his lap. “Looks like it’s unanimous.”

  She scooted closer to scratch the pup behind his ears. The white bundle of fur let out a sound of acquiescence and rolled over for a full belly rub. Lucky dog. Brandi laughed, the light sound going straight through Kade as he fought the urge to touch the woman’s soft skin.

  “I’m glad he’s a nice dog.”

  Grateful for the subject change, he latched onto it like a vice. “Me, too. You do know it’s not smart to try to catch a stray dog though, right?”

  The thought of her getting bit, especially by something rabid stopped his heart. She turned and hit him with an open brown stare. More open than she’d ever allowed him to see.

  “No,” she said simply. “If I can help, I help. And I somehow got the impression you were the same.”

  It was the strangest feeling to have a piece of his heart click into place. Hell, he hadn’t even known it was out of place. But it was, and now, as he stared into the smiling woman’s warm brown eyes, he realized she wasn’t as hard and shallow as he’d originally thought.


  Keeping his distance was a damn sight easier when he saw the sexy woman as superficial.

  Now what the hell did he do?

  “You didn’t seem to waste any time grabbing the stray, and you got cut in the process. Sorry about that, by the way. But I’m glad you didn’t need stitches. Or we’d both be taking the happy pills.” She paused, a frown creasing her brow. “Then who would be watching us? Ace?” She giggled. “No, Mozart. Yeah, my money’s on Mozart.”

  “The cat?” He smiled, deciding he really liked the laid back Brandi.

  “Of course, silly.” She punched his arm. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to hit your booboo.”

  His smile widened. “Brandi, you’re the one with a cut on the arm.”

  “Oh, yeah, right.” She giggled some more. “Yours is on the back. Sorry about that.”

  “I know. You told me,” he replied. “It’s okay.”

  “If you say so, Ace. Oh, wait, that’s the dog, right?”

  “Yes.” He frowned, narrowing his gaze. Something was wrong. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sir.” She saluted him and giggled. “I’m feeling okie dokie, Top.” Then she crooked a finger at him, glancing back and forth before placing the finger to her mouth. “Shhh…I probably should’ve only taken one pill.”

  He stilled, then grabbed her face. Shit. Her pupils were slightly dilated as her gaze darted around. “How many did you take?”

  “Only two, but it’s okay.” She waved at him. “Don’t worry. I just won’t take any next time.”

  He put the dog on the floor, sprang from the couch, then turned to stare her down. “Stay put.”

  Damn woman saluted him again.

  He made a quick call to Jace and was relieved when the doctor told him Brandi would be a bit loopy, but otherwise okay as long as someone was with her until it wore off.

  “Well?” She rose to her feet. “What’s the verdict, Top, Topper, Toppest? Am I going to live?”

  “Yes.” He bit back a smile. She was just too cute, hands on her hips, smile on her lips, eyes bright. Heaven help him, the woman was really going to be hard to resist, now. “You just may feel a little drunk.”

  “Okay. Cool.” She twirled around and stumbled. “Is this what drunk feels like?”

  He lurched forward, grabbed her uninjured arm and steadied her with his body. “You’ve never been drunk?”

  “Nope. N. O. Nope.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “Because you think I’m a stuffy poopyhead.” Her pout turned into a wicked-ass grin as she patted his chest. “But I’m not.”

  Damn, she was irresistible. Lifting his free hand, he pushed the hair out of her face and chuckled. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “I have a few suggestions,” she said with a wink. “And they all involve getting naked!”

  His heart slammed into his ribs before beating at a faster pace. Son-of-a-bitch, he must’ve heard wrong. “What?”

  “Oh dear, did I say that out loud?” She scrunched her nose. “Just forget what you heard. You heard nothing.” The adorable designer waved a hand back and forth in front of his face. “You are getting very sleepy. Oh, wait…that’s me.” She giggled. “But sleeping is bad, so let’s dance.”

  Before he could respond, she pressed her gorgeous curves into him and slipped her hands around his neck, tempting the hell out of him.

  “Brandi, there’s no music.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, without releasing him. “I have it in my head.”

  Enticement kicked up a notch when she began to move against him. Ah hell. He jerked back, untangling himself from her arms in the process.

  “Bad idea,” he said. “Bad idea.” The second time was for him, because, damn, he wanted very much to dance with the sexy woman. He was hard, hot, and in big, big trouble.

  “But why?” Her gaze clouded, happy expression completely turned upside down. “It’s because I’m fat. Isn’t it?”

  “What?” He reeled back. “No. And you’re not fat.”

  “Yes, I am.” She dropped onto the couch with a bounce, her bottom lip protruding out in a pout. “Ed told me so. That’s why he stopped sleeping with me.”

  Shit. She should not be telling him this. And if what she’d just said was true, then her ex-boyfriend was more than an ass. He was a bastard, and if the man had lived in Harland County, Kade was so mad right now, he’d hunt the prick down and introduce him to his fist. Several times.

  “Brandi, honey, listen to me.” He sat next to her, grabbed her hand and squeezed until she made eye contact.

  Her expression brightened. “Did you change your mind? Do you want to sleep with me?”

  Before he could blink, the woman pushed him back and climbed up his body, her soft curves rubbing him in ways only his wildest dreams dared to hope. But, son-of-a-bitch. This was not good. How could he be the responsible one when his body was already ready to burst?

  “No,” he told her, gripping the cushions to keep from cupping her luscious curves.

  A cold, wet nose brushed his knuckles in an attempt to gain attention. But he had to ignore the dog, because if he even thought of removing his grip on the couch…it wasn’t the puppy he’d touch.

  “No?” She stilled, then drew back. “See? It is because I’m fat.”

  “Jesus, you’re not fat. Okay?” He followed her into a sitting position. “Your ex was a jackass.”

  “True dat. But I did gain over forty pounds while I was dating Ed. That’s a lot to ask from a guy, even though I had no control over it because my thyroid died an unexpected death. Wait!” Her eyes widened to an unblinking stare. “Maybe it was murdered…”

  “Just stop for minute.” He placed his finger on her lips and waited until she stilled, then released the tempting woman. “Listen to me. You’re gorgeous as you are, and you deserve someone better than your ex. If he cared about you, your weight gain shouldn’t have mattered one damn pound.”

  “Are you serious?” She leaned forward and squinted into his face. “Forty friggin’ pounds wouldn’t have mattered to you?”

  “No,” he replied truthfully. “It would not have mattered.” A woman’s waist size never made a difference to him. Compassion and a sense of humor were more important. And eyes. A woman’s eyes were always the first thing to draw him in.

  Like now.


  His heart rocked in his chest at the look of hunger and need darkening her gaze to resemble the incredible color of vintage brandy.

  “And you still would’ve had sex with me?”

  A hell-fuckin’-yeah response throbbed through his groin. “Of course.”

  She leaned closer. “Then why don’t you want to have sex now?”

  Christ. This conversation was going from bad to worse. He drew in a deep breath and steadied his pulse. “Because, you’re not in your right mind at the moment, and I prefer to have sex without drugs involved.”

  Her mouth curved into another wicked-ass grin. “What if I don’t remember?”

  Now he blinked, truly at a loss.

  “Shh…we just won’t tell me.” She giggled, running her hand down his chest to his abs, then further south.

  Breathing was suddenly a problem. A big problem. And he needed air to clear the fog from his brain before he did something stupid. Like give in to need.

  Grabbing her wandering hand, he placed it on her lap. “Stop.”

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “We aren’t telling me, remember?”

  What he couldn’t remember was when his control had ever been stretched this thin by a woman. A sweet, poorly treated, sexy, drugged woman who deserved his restraint. And respect.

  He cupped her face and brushed her cheek with his thumb. “The thing is, I want you to know, Brandi. I want your mind clear. Your body naked. And for you to know exactly what is taking place.”

  She blinked, her big brown eyes warming as some sort of realization hit her. “So you do find me attractive?”

  “Yes. Hell, yes.”

  “Even though I’m fat?”

  Chapter Five

  Jesus. Kade released her and his knuckles cracked into fists. Why was she so damn thickheaded? “For the last time, you’re not fat.”

  “Sure I am, look.” She lifted her shirt, grabbed his hand, uncurled his fist and jammed his fingers on her hip. “See? You can pinch an inch.”

  Heaven help him, her warm, supple flesh was too much. Just too damn much. The day had been long and trying, and the woman was hot and trying and willing. He was done. No more fighting the need.

  “I can also do this,” he said, tracing her waist, watching her eyes round as he skimmed his hand across her stomach in slow, small strokes. “I’d love to strip you naked and kiss every last inch of you, Brandi.”

  “Y-you would?”

  “Oh yeah.” He continued to caress the designer’s soft skin, brushing her ribcage on his way to that damn, sexy black bra that had tormented his mind all day. “And you know what?”


  He brushed a thumb over the rounded flesh just under the lace, his body tightening with each tremor that shook through her mouthwatering curves. “When I finished…I’d do it all again.”

  She let out a strangled whimper, the sound ripped through him with savage force.

  “Do it now,” she pleaded, cupping his face, pulling him close. “I don’t care what mind I’m in. This is my body and I want you now. Do you hear me, Kade? I want you in me now. Please.”

  Son-of-a-bitch. Air funneled into his lungs. That was it. He’d reached his limit. The sound of his control snapping echoed through his head…which was weird, because it sounded like a doorbell.

  Shit. It was the doorbell.

  He vaulted to his feet and sucked in a lungful of air, closed his eyes, and released it in a long, slow gush. Damn, that was close.

  He opened his eyes in time to see Brandi answer the door. Holy shit, the woman recovered quickly.

  “Hi, Kerri! Hi, Jordan.” The designer smiled and moved back to allow the sisters in. “Good thing you came when you did, because I didn’t.”

  She giggled, and he had to fight the urge to slap a hand on his face.

  Kerri frowned, but Jordan took one look at him and bit her lip. Damn woman was too shrewd for him to do anything but shake his head.

  “Well, hello. Who are you?” Taking pity on him, the brunette let the comment slide and bent down to pick up the pup jumping at her feet.

  For a foolish second, he thought maybe he’d get out of there before the subject of Brandi and sex arose again.

  “I have good news, girls,” the damn designer said. “Kade doesn’t mind that I’m fat.”

  “You’re not fat,” he said in unison with the sisters.

  Brandi smiled. “I know. Kade told me. He also t
old me what he wanted to do to me.” She lowered her voice. “We were about to make out on the couch.”

  He wondered how long it would take to scoop up the dog and get out the door before it closed.

  “I think you need to stop talking now,” Kerri said, placing a brown bag full of take-out on the counter; her apologetic gaze meeting his as she unloaded supper.

  “But I didn’t get a chance to tell him what I wanted to do to him.” Brandi pouted, dividing her attention between both sisters. “Maybe I should before he leaves.”

  Jordan set the dog on the floor, draped an arm around the loose-lipped woman and guided her to the couch. “Honey, you took more than one pain pill, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. This is me drunk.”

  “Well then, let’s sit down and you can tell us all about your day while we eat.” The clever woman glanced at him and smiled. “You joining us, sheriff?”

  “No. I think you can handle things from here. If you need help, call Doc Turner. Goodnight.”

  With a nod to all three women, he grabbed Ace and got the hell out of Dodge.

  Good news. Her truck was salvageable.

  Bad news. Her dignity was not.

  Brandi couldn’t believe some of the things she’d said and done while under the influence of pain medicine a few days ago. Note to self: Don’t ever get drunk. As if coming onto the guy wasn’t bad enough, she’d told him about her stupid ex refusing to have sex. Cripes, it had been humiliating when Ed turned down her naked body, but this…this was worse. Baring her mortifying secret to the sexy sheriff was much worse. That whole afternoon was a little fuzzy. Just what the hell else had she revealed? Or done? She was proud of her ability to laugh at herself. But this was stretching it a bit. A big bit.

  Parking her little blue rental car behind the project foreman at the Masters property, she got out and thanked her lucky stars she didn’t have to worry about running into the sheriff here. The last thing she needed was to see Kade Dalton. In fact, she’d avoided him quite efficiently the past three days. Guilt hung heavy in her gut at neglecting her horse, but she couldn’t take the chance on bumping into the man on his ranch. Mainly because she didn’t know what road she’d take. The high road. Low road…


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