Cowboy Payback Read online

Page 4

  My God, his brother is too much.

  As her laughter bounced off the beams, the captain stared at her like she’d flipped her lid, which only made her laugh harder.

  Trisha grabbed her stomach and sank onto the nearest chair. It had been one heck of a roller coaster day, but this was the icing.

  She wiped her eyes and tried to stand. Her legs shook, but she managed. “What in the world did you do to your brother, sir? And don’t sugarcoat it.”

  The captain blinked. “What?”

  “Come on, sir. I have four older brothers, remember? I practically have a degree in sibling rivalry, and I know Finn would not have gotten this elaborate over a small prank you pulled on him.”

  Her fake fiancé opened his mouth, then clenched his jaw and shook his head. “It was nothing.”


  His gaze shot to her. “Surely, you’re not calling me a liar, Corporal.” In three strides, he stood toe to toe, glaring down at her like she was a new recruit in need of discipline. “I don’t lie.”

  She’d seen many a soldier break under the Brennan brand of intimidation. Her insides quaked, but she stood her ground. She was no new recruit.

  Shoulders straight, chin lifted, she spoke her mind. “Then you’re lying to yourself, sir. Apparently, whatever it was you did to your brother was bigger than you thought it was.”

  Confusion clouded his gorgeous blue gaze.

  “Okay.” She chuckled. “I’m not sure what I just said, but I do know what I meant, and I think you do, too, sir.”

  He ripped his hat off, rubbed a hand over his high-and-tight military haircut, then sighed. “It’s not the same,” he finally said, jamming the Stetson back on his head, mouth twisting in disgust as his gaze swept through the cabin. “Come on, Corporal, help me blow out the candles before they burn the damn place down.”

  Trisha nodded and spent the next several minutes dousing flames, wishing it was as easy to put out the ones the captain had started deep inside with that expert kiss. Every time her gaze landed on him, or the bed, they sparked back to life.

  “That should just about to do it,” he was saying, but she didn’t look at him, just dutifully dropped cooled candles into a box he’d scrounged up.

  “Wait.” She rushed to the last two lit candles on the nightstand, blew out the flames, then turned around…and crashed into his hard, solid chest, splashing hot wax all over him.

  Muttering a curse, he dropped the box, and ripped off his shirt, which sent his hat flying across the bed—and the air from Trisha’s lungs.

  “I’m so sorry, sir,” she stammered, touching his reddening skin as if the wax was on him and not his discarded shirt.

  “Don’t.” Firm hands clamped around hers, sandwiching her fingers between his hands and warm chest. “No big deal, Corporal,” he said, voice a little gruff.

  The tone did weird things to her insides. She glanced up into his face and blinked at his darkening gaze. The captain was staring down at her as if he’d never seen her before.

  Breathing suddenly became impossible. Shoot. She needed to breathe. His appraisal triggered a tightening in her chest, and the room started to fade. Something strange was happening. The thudding of her heart grew louder and louder…

  He released her and abruptly stepped back. “It’s my fault. I thought you heard me,” he muttered, bending down to pick up the candles before tossing them in the box at his feet.

  Feeling like a complete idiot, she turned her back on him and inhaled. The scent of roses immediately calmed her mind as she stared at the far wall. The knots in the wooden logs presented a much safer view than her sexy, half-naked fiancé. Correction. Fake fiancé, and real former commanding officer.

  With her mind and body back on a safe page, she felt better equipped to deal with her situation. She had the feeling she was going to have to give herself that reminder a lot.

  Drawing in a breath, she shifted her gaze to the remaining gifts from Finn, and cleared her throat. “So, what do you want to do with the champagne and basket?”

  “Might as well crack open the champagne.”

  “Sir?” She twisted around, and her mouth instantly dried as she caught him pulling a clean shirt over his head, muscles rippling down his arms and torso, racing the heat shooting to her face.

  What was her problem? Her body never had this type of reaction to his nakedness overseas. Heck, she’d seen a lot more of the captain’s skin over there and was never affected, so what in the world was the difference now?

  You tasted him, her mind answered.

  Great. That tasting bit was going to make things tougher, much tougher.

  Unaware of her stupefied state, he snatched the bottle from the ice bucket and proceeded to pop the cork. “I can’t sneak this back into the ranch, and I can’t properly store the champagne in here, so we might as well enjoy it,” he stated, working the top loose. The cork bounced off a beam and pummeled onto the bed, sending rose petals several inches into the air. “Oorah.”

  Trisha fought back a grin. The captain was nothing if not practical. Swiping the glasses off the nightstand to hold for him to fill, she wondered how her quest for control had taken a complete left turn.

  He dropped the bottle back into the bucket, grabbed the glass she handed him, then held up his drink. “Semper Fi.”

  Smile tugging her lips, she clinked their flutes and repeated the sentiment. An infusion of bubbles tickled her throat in a most welcoming way. By the time she’d downed several more sips, the champagne wasn’t the only thing to disappear. Most of her tension had vanished, too.

  Today had been one stressful day.

  With a contented sigh, she placed her glass on the nightstand, then stared at her C.O. The time had come for her to talk, and for Captain Brett Brennan to listen. And no amount of closed-fist hand signals from the marine would stop her words.

  “I’m really sorry, sir.”

  He drained his glass and set it next to hers on the nightstand before turning to her, his expression unreadable. “Look, Corporal, I understand you’re trying to rebel against your father, but why the hell did you have to drag me into it?”

  God, she was so embarrassed. But he deserved the truth.

  “I needed someone strong, who couldn’t be controlled, and you’re the first person that came to mind, sir,” she replied, realizing it was the truth. That, and the fact she probably…maybe…sort of had a slight crush on the guy. Darn. Not the best timing for that revelation. “I swear, I honestly never thought we’d actually have to be together. I figured in a few weeks time, I’d call my parents and tell them it hadn’t worked out.”

  His expression remained the same. Unreadable. “What changed?”

  “My father, of course.” She blew out a breath and walked across the room to the fireplace, keeping her gaze glued to the empty hearth. “He insisted you two meet again this weekend. Said he was skeptical.” A small laugh bubbled up her throat. “He’s always skeptical. And, okay, this time he had reason to be. I mean, it’s crazy to think you’d even be interested in someone like me, let alone someone from your unit.”

  Wonderful. Now she was babbling. There were times she really wished she would learn to shut up. And this was one of them. Heat seeped into her face, and she knew her cheeks rivaled the nearby tablecloth.

  “First of all, Corporal,” he said from behind.

  She jumped as two strong hands clamped around her shoulders and turned her to face him. For a guy his size, he could certainly move without noise. Good thing her ability to breathe disappeared again because there was barely any air between them. And she tried, really tried to meet the captain’s gaze, but his delicious mouth got in the way of her line of sight, and the slight quirk to his lips held her fascinated.

  Would his curved mouth taste like champagne?

  “Corporal? Look at me,” he ordered through those mesmerizing lips she continued to watch stretch into a full smile.

  I am looking at you, she wanted to s
ay. After all, she was gazing at his mouth, which was technically part of him, therefore, she was looking at him. But there was a disconnect from her brain, which interfered with voice and movement of any kind.

  The pressure on her shoulders increased as he squeezed tighter in an apparent attempt to urge her to meet his gaze. It worked. Somehow, the extra touch broke through her haze, and she transferred her attention to his intense stare.

  “That’s better,” he said. “Now, let me make one thing very clear, Trisha Jennings. I happen to find you very attractive.”

  Chapter Four

  Lack of oxygen finally caught up to Trisha. She could’ve sworn Captain Brennan said he found her attractive. That was ridiculous. Absurd. And, okay, maybe a wee tiny bit of wishful thinking. But as she stared up at the silent man, she realized his gaze was earnest.

  Her heart rocked in her chest. Hard. Real hard. “Y-you do?”

  “Of course.” He nodded. “You’re smart, funny, compassionate…”

  And her thudding heart stopped mid-rock to sink to her feet. Great. He just spouted an ugly Betty résumé. With supreme effort, she found the strength to keep the smile on her lips, until he lifted a hand and gently grazed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

  “And sexy as hell,” he proclaimed, running his gaze down her body then back up to her heated face.

  But not before all her good parts stood at attention and tingled. And not necessarily in that order.

  Bad body.

  “Any man would be lucky to have you as his fiancée, Corporal. Don’t you ever doubt that.”

  She never had when considering normal men. But not men like the captain. Although, it was men like him she avoided. Too controlling.

  Trisha blinked, but couldn’t say a word thanks to the heart lodged in her throat. He was causing the darn thing to bounce around her body like a ping pong ball, while his words bounced around her head.

  …sexy as hell…

  The captain thought she was sexy? How was she ever supposed to forget something like that?

  “But…” He dropped his hand and stepped back, his expression once again neutral. Back to Captain/Corporal mode. “You’re right. I would never get involved with anyone under my command.”

  Finally, a statement that made sense.

  A statement she knew. One she understood. That very statement was why she was in this situation in the first place.

  Now that the sexy man was no longer in her space, she nodded and drew in a much needed breath. And just like that, her voice returned. “I know, sir, that’s why I was surprised, but grateful, when I called the ranch this morning to explain things. You weren’t here, but Finn assured me you would help. I couldn’t believe my luck.”

  The captain’s gaze narrowed and darkened, but he remained silent.

  Walking past him to the bed, she sank onto the rose petal covered mattress and sighed. “I should’ve known better. I’m really sorry for dragging you into this.” She lowered her head, and pressed her palms to her still burning cheeks. “I’m so incredibly embarrassed.”

  “Hey.” He was suddenly kneeling in front of her, tugging her hands from her face, and ducking his head to catch her gaze. “I’m the one who’s sorry you got caught in the middle of this thing with my brother.”

  A small smile tugged her lips, and she squeezed the hands still holding hers, absently noting a strange tingling in her fingers. “Thanks, but none of this would’ve happened if I hadn’t told my father we were engaged. It is my fault, sir.”

  His gaze registered surprise and a splice of admiration. The noose, squeezing her heart, loosened a little bit of its grip.

  “I’ll call my father and tell him we broke up, but, if you don’t mind, I-I’d like to wait until after his visit.”

  The captain rose and brought her to her feet. “Why?”

  Knowing better than to hold onto the tempting man for too long, she released him and walked to the window. Distance was a good tactic to deploy, as far as the sexy C.O. was concerned.

  “Because of this.” Motioning to the outdoors where her gaze remained, she could feel the tension easing at the sight of the beautiful vista he was lucky to call home. No sand or desert. Just greenery. Good old blessed greenery. “The hiking trails, rock climbing, rappelling, horseback riding. I’d love to do the whole Royal Pines gamut.” She needed to keep busy. To push herself. To just live and not think. “Of course, I’d pay,” she added.

  Twisting to face the captain who now stood next to her, she studied him as he stared out at the mountains. Blue eyes, rivaling the vivid summer sky, expressed a rare seriousness not often found on the commander outside of battle.

  “This is a good place to find peace,” he stated, slowly turning her way. “And to heal.” His gaze slammed into hers, full of quiet understanding. “Take all the time you need, Corporal. It’s been a tough tour.”

  She was okay, really. Keeping things in had become a necessity overseas the past few years. She was real good at it, too. A master…until he reached out and lightly squeezed her shoulder. Darn it. She knew what he meant. He was referring to that day. The school. The senseless loss.

  Ungodly smell…

  Clamping her jaw, Trisha had all she could do to keep the tears at bay. Giving in to the anger, and sorrow, and all the other emotions churning inside would prove her weak.

  I. Am. Not. Weak.

  Lifting her chin, she held his unblinking gaze as she nodded.

  “I have no problem going along with the charade for a few weeks,” he continued, dropping his hand, but not his stare.

  “Thank you, sir,” she said, a lone tear escaping down her cheek. She swiped it away before he could react, and straightened her spine. “I promise I’ll stay out of your way. You won’t even know I’m here.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. The unexpected sound sent those darn goose bumps down her body again.

  “I highly doubt that, Corporal,” he said when he sobered. “I always know when you’re around.”

  Happy for the change in subject, and mood, she tipped her head and playfully punched his shoulder. “Hey, are you trying to say I talk too much, sir?”

  “Well…” His brows rose with his tone.

  “Because if you are…I’d have to agree.”

  His lips twitched. “Would you now?”

  “Yes.” She gave a slight nod. “You see, I have the gift of gab, and it’s not curable.” Although, she had to admit, today she’d been unusually quiet.

  “Now I have to disagree.”

  A sexy smile tugged at his lips, and she readily repeated his question. “Would you now?”


  She folded her arms across her chest and stared up at him. Knowing she shouldn’t take the bait didn’t stop her from asking the inevitable question. “So, you’re saying there’s a cure?”

  “Yep.” His gaze dropped to her lips then slowly rose back up, mischief and heat sparkling in his eyes.

  Her heart skipped a beat. Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it.

  “A kiss.”

  He said it.

  Darn him.

  Ask a dangerous question, receive a dangerous answer.


  A thought crossed her mind, an equally dangerous one. One suggesting if she leaned forward just a little bit, they could actually test his theory. How foolish was that?

  As foolish as the realization she contemplated that very move.

  “See? Just the mere mention of the word kiss has rendered you speechless.” His grin returned full force.

  Ever the practical joker and consummate tease, the captain reigned supreme. And that’s exactly what he was doing now. Besides pulling her away from her dark thoughts, he was definitely taunting. Trying to keep her off balance. Baffled. Confused. All so he could remain in command. But, technically, he wasn’t. Not anymore. Not since she resigned her commission. Captain Brennan was no longer officially her commanding officer.

  No matter how m
any times she repeated that statement in head, her mind had trouble grasping the concept. The captain was not in charge of her anymore. He had no pull.

  Okay, so not true. Not if that kiss was anything to go by. And now that he was no longer off limits, she’d like to go by for another kiss.

  Naughty thoughts immediately battled for top position in her head. One such thought suggested she step closer and run her hands up that tempting muscled chest, over those broad shoulders and meet at the back of his neck in a blatant attempt to call his bluff.

  At her estimation, two things could happen. One, the captain would be caught off balance, untangle himself, and run like a baby for the door.

  She’d pay good money to see that.

  Or two, the potent cowboy could do the opposite. Crush her close and claim her lips over and over, turning her into a trembling mass of goo while he kissed her as if he couldn’t survive without her taste.

  Unwilling to risk the outcome, because the second scenario held way too much appeal, she decided there was only one thing to do. Shoot for left field.

  Smiling, she cocked her head instead. “Your contract is up this week.”

  “True.” His gaze narrowed. “What does that have to do with a kiss?”

  “Nothing,” she replied, keeping the subject off kissing. Definitely off kissing. They were not going to talk about anything with the word kiss in it. “Are you really not going to reenlist?”

  “Yes.” He folded his arms across his deliciously muscled upper-quadrant and regarded her wearily. “I’m not re-upping. Like I told your father, the war was officially declared over. I’m free to concentrate on running this place full time.”

  “Then I think a toast is in order,” she stated, walking back to the nightstand to refill their glasses, and to get away from his compelling presence.

  When she turned around, however, she nearly crashed into Mr. Compelling. Bugger was too quiet. Unlike her heart, which drummed an incessant thump in her chest.

  Trisha handed him his glass, then lifted hers in the air. “To Captain Brennan, it has been my honor to serve under you, sir.”

  Amusement immediately danced in his gaze, and when he went to open his mouth, she cut him off.


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