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Her Healing Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 5) Page 3
Her Healing Cowboy (Harland County Series Book 5) Read online
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But, he’d put off his plan to join DWB for a few years now. Ever since his HIV positive father had died from complication of pneumonia four years ago while Jace had been on deployment. His father contracting the virus through a blood transfusion after a car accident when Jace had been ten was the reason he became a doctor with the intent to help others around the world live with the disease.
But not until things were good at home. His sister’s riding accident this past June had jeopardized his plans.
“How is Lacey?” Harper asked. “That was a terrible spill she took.”
“Yeah, it was, but she was lucky,” he replied, setting down his empty cup. “So far, the fracture in her back is healing nicely. She’ll finish therapy at the end of next month.”
“It’s a miracle she’s walking,” Tanner stated.
It was a miracle she wasn’t dead.
He shook off the dark thoughts and forced air into his lungs. She’d suffered a fractured back between the second and third vertebrae, miraculously hadn’t broken her neck or had bone in the spinal canal requiring surgery.
At twenty-four, Lacey was headstrong, and the apparent fantasy of too many of his Guard buddies, reminding him of Jordan McCall. Come hell or high-water, she said she’d walk again, and by God, she accomplished that within the first five weeks. He was damn proud of his sister, but she needed to pace herself.
“I just wish she’d slow down and not take so many damn chances.”
“Don’t think she’s made that way, Doc,” Jesse observed with an undercurrent in his sarcastic tone.
Jace wondered if something was going on between his sister and the quiet guardsman who sometimes helped out at the ranch, along with Tanner and their friend Kade Dalton. If so, the man was going to have his hands full, because whoever captured his sister’s heart needed to be made of some stern stuff.
“I heard that,” Harper drawled, chucking his cup in the trash. “Now, who’s up for another set?”
Everyone rose in response.
“Whose turn is it to pay?” Tanner asked, tossing out his cup.
Jesse frowned. “Didn’t you?”
“Nope. I just put in the order. It’s not my turn to pay.”
The rest grumbled, “Me either,” and scattered away, leaving Jace alone with his grinning friend. He shook his head.
“Thanks, Jace.” Tanner slapped him on the back and joined the already shirtless jerks on the beach.
He maneuvered around the outdoor tables and headed toward The Creamery. “Like I had a choice.”
The guys often let him pick up the tab. They, like most people, assumed because he was a doctor he had a lot of money. Not true. He was still paying student loans. His father had wanted to take out a second mortgage on the ranch, but he refused. Another bill was the last thing his family had needed. After years of struggling to make ends meet, his father had finally been out from under a mound of medical bills. Jace saw no reason to replace them with another mortgage. Harland County had a lot of ranches, and he’d worked on every one of them to help put himself through schooling. That and the Texas National Guard. He’d joined ten years ago to help pay for his education. He was finally getting his footing. His mom and sister were set financially, and he was turning the corner on his finances.
The time had come to pursue his future and face new challenges.
But first, he had to pay for the smoothies, which worked for him because he wanted to apologize to the green-eyed bombshell, anyway.
A voice inside his head told him not to bother, that Holly had a strong backbone and could handle his teasing, but his moral compass wouldn’t allow him to go about his day without making amends.
He just hoped she’d listen.
As he walked toward the window, he noted several customers and decided to go inside instead of waiting in line. Besides, he needed a little relief from the heat.
As he stepped inside the vacant shop, he was hit by the blessed cold of the air conditioner…and globs of flying ice cream, followed by Holly’s panicked voice.
Chapter Two
Unable to avoid a second hit, Jace took a smattering to the face and ear. The sticky, cold substance slid down his neck while he ducked to evade a third, taking cover behind a display case.
“It won’t shut off,” the young college student yelled, jamming button after button.
Ice cream covered the ceiling, walls, and floors in a pink, organic hue, dripping off The Creamery’s three unlucky occupants.
Holly lunged for the outlet, managing to yank the cord from the wall while she slipped on a milkshake puddle by her feet. The whirl of a blender dissipated, along with the flying dessert, both giving way to a muttered oath as the valiant woman smashed into a work table on her way to the floor; the clang of bowls and spoons echoed in the suddenly quiet shop.
Jace sprang into action, locking the door to prevent customers from coming into the war zone, then slip-slided his way behind the counter to the grumbling proprietor and her clueless employee.
“Donny, go finish your order at the window,” he directed. “And be careful where you walk.”
“But…” The young man blinked down at his boss who sat on the floor cradling her left elbow.
“I’ll take care of her. Now, go.”
“Yes, sir.” The young man poured what was left of the milkshake into a cup and tip-toed back to the grinning customer at the window.
“That was awesome, man.”
Jace’s mind registered the teenage customer’s proclamation as he made his way to the injured woman. She blinked up at him, those gorgeous green eyes switching from dazed to amused before she burst out laughing. Deciding it was better than her bursting into tears, he smiled and knelt down in front of her.
“Do I look as bad as you?” she asked between laughs.
Ice cream plastered dark bangs to her forehead, dripping onto the beauty’s face and off her chin to slide down a delectable chest and disappear between mouthwatering cleavage. She looked positively delicious, and he had to fight the urge to lean forward and lick her clean.
“Worse,” he replied with a grin.
“Gee, thanks.” She snickered and made to get up.
He cupped her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. “Easy, there, chuckles. That was some fall. Let me check you out.”
“I’m fine.” She swatted his hands away, tried to push off the floor, then winced.
He blew out a breath. Damn, stubborn woman. “Sure you are.” Ignoring her grumble, he gently, but thoroughly, examined her arm.
“Ouch.” She jerked back when he reached her elbow.
He knew from months of watching her with her uncle, and here at work, that she could handle tough situations without a crease in her brow or complaint on her tempting lips. So, for the competent woman to cry out from his light touch, she was in a lot of pain.
“You hit the table pretty hard. You should have it x-rayed.”
She cocked her head and smiled tight. “The table’s fine.”
He leveled the exasperating woman with one of his stern looks. The kind he gave to the soldiers in his platoon. At least they had the good sense to look contrite. Not Holly. Hell no. She just continued to stare unblinkingly through those damn, gorgeous eyes of hers.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” he said, a little more than tired of her mistrust. A mistrust she only appeared to reserve just for him. She was outright friendly and even smiled with her eyes to his friends.
Her chin rose, her gaze less than tolerant. “I can’t leave the shop.”
“Then let me finish my exam.”
After a brief moment of hesitation, she held out her arm, and he quickly got back to evaluating before she changed her mind. After finding no disconnect, or evidence of a fracture, he grabbed a nearby dish towel and fashioned a sling. “It doesn’t appear to be broken, and since you won’t get it x-rayed, try to keep your arm immobile for a few days.”
snorted. “Not gonna happen, Doc. I need to drive.”
“Not if it hurts,” he replied, leaning closer. “I’m serious.” The last thing he needed was to worry about the headstrong woman behind the wheel of a car with an injured arm.
“I know, but so am I,” she insisted. “My uncle has an appointment with the orthopedic specialist this Wednesday and my mother doesn’t drive. No way are we missing that.” She glanced down at her arm. “I’m sure it’ll be fine in a day or two. I just whacked my funny bone, that’s all.”
He wasn’t so sure. And there was nothing funny about her getting hurt.
She tried to get up again, so he hooked a hand under her other arm and brought them both to their feet, careful of the slop on the floor.
“Come by my office on Tuesday, and I’ll reexamine you.”
She pulled free and grumbled. “Thanks…and no thanks. I’ll be fine.”
Donny chose that moment to tip-toe back over. “I’m so sorry, boss. I have no idea what happened. The darn lid wouldn’t stay on, and next I knew, Raspberry Supreme was flying all over the place. Then I tried, but I couldn’t get any of the buttons to work—”
“It’s okay,” she reassured, expression softening as she addressed the contrite kid. “I should’ve warned you about it. You just take care of the customers at the window while I clean up.”
“Will do, boss.” Donny smiled and headed back to his station, relief sagging his slight shoulders.
It was at that moment, Jace realized the woman sometimes looked at him with heat in her gaze, but never warmth. And, son-of-a-bitch, he wondered just what he had to do to change that outcome.
Less than amused with her less than friendly attitude, he stepped closer, and when she backed up, he followed, until a counter blocked her escape. “Tell me…Holly.” He deliberately used her first name, and heaven help him, he liked how it rolled off his tongue, and the way desire darkened her gaze in response. “Do you dislike all doctors, or is it just me?”
Her lips parted and chest rose in an enticement almost too much to bear. Then her throaty, sexy voice met his ear.
“All doctors.”
Heat skittered down his spine, and he had to fight the urge to lean in and kiss her trembling mouth. Instead, he ran a finger through the ice cream on her cheek, then licked it off, wishing he could put his mouth on her. “As long as it’s not me.”
She shrugged, her gaze full of mistrust. And heat.
He chuckled. She was a tough nut to crack, one he should avoid, but knew he wouldn’t. After fishing the wallet out of the back pocket of his shorts, he set money on the counter behind the suddenly still woman, then held her gaze, eager to see what she did next.
“This is for the smoothies. Thanks for the delicious…desserts.”
Need flared in her green gaze and dilated the pupils in her fathomless eyes. A powerful jolt of arousal shot down his spine and zinged his favorite body parts to life. Parts he ignored, except in the shower after waking up hard from a dream she’d haunted.
“You’re welcome,” she replied with a hint of reproach in her tone that signified he wasn’t about to get any other type of dessert from her. “And thanks for tending to my arm, Doc.”
He nodded and stepped back, wiping his face on a towel she handed him. If she didn’t want to act on whatever was zipping between them, then so be it. He never forced himself on a woman in his life. They tended to seek him out.
“Just make sure you stop by in a few days so I can take another look,” he said, dropping the towel on the counter while he held her gaze. “But if it starts to swell, or the pain increases, you get your stubborn…elbow to the emergency room.” He caught himself just in time, and kept his orders impersonal. Despite the little bit of teasing, he wanted her to take the situation serious and not ignore his advice.
She nodded as she carefully made her way to the register in a blatant attempt to get rid of him. “Will do, Doc.”
If he hadn’t been watching her, he would’ve sworn she’d saluted him.
“How about I help you clean up. Gonna be kind of hard with one hand.”
“Naw. I can manage.” She shrugged and cracked a smile that almost reached her eyes. “Here’s your change. Sorry about the extra milkshake.”
One of the most effective doctoring skills in his arsenal was his ability to read people, and Holly was coming across loud and clear. She was tired, in pain, and on edge, that last part because of him. He seemed to push her to that boundary just as she pushed him. He didn’t know what the hell to do about that, or even if he should.
“No problem.” He held his hand out for his money and watched the woman pull her bottom lip between her teeth the moment her finger brushed his palm. Another damn zing traveled straight to his groin.
A tight jaw contradicted the heat in her gaze, and stirred more than his curiosity. Just what had happened to her to forge a dislike of doctors? And did she taste as exquisite as she looked?
Then, not for the first time, he wondered why the hell it mattered since he was not looking for a romantic relationship.
Just as he was about to turn and leave, a glob of ice cream dropped from the ceiling and splattered onto her head. She jumped back and shrieked, and the movement caused the mixture to slide down her face and drip onto her already deliciously coated chest.
He knew better than to laugh, no matter how adorable she appeared, pink goop dripping off her exasperated face. Muttering under her breath, she reached below the counter, pulled out another dish towel and wiped her face.
Her choppy ministrations managed to smear more than eradicate.
He stepped closer, and using the corner of the towel still in her hand, he gently dabbed at her lower lip. She stilled, and appeared to stop breathing.
Oxygen seemed to have a hard time making it into his lungs, too. “You missed a spot.” He wiped her chin, and another speck by her ear.
“Thanks,” she whispered, then swallowed, her gaze dropping to his mouth.
This time, he stilled.
All the cold air from the air conditioner seemed to disappear, leaving heat. Lots of heat. Jace was torn about what to do. It was the middle of the day, in the middle of her shop. Definitely not appropriate for crushing her close and tasting that trembling lower lip of hers for himself. But he couldn’t get his body to move away. In fact, they seemed to be closer, which had to come from her, because he’d remained still, not wanting to jeopardize what little progress he’d made with his attempt to prove some doctors could be trusted.
Her gaze traveled up to meet his, and she blinked, staring at him like she’d only really just seen him. Then suddenly, their breath mingled, and he had no idea how they’d gotten so close he could count the green hues in her eyes. Three. There were three shades, each melting into the other, and he empathized, ready to chuck common sense and take what the beautiful woman was offering.
“Yo! Jace? I can see you. What’s up? You playing doctor in there or what? Why the hell is the door locked?” Tanner asked, banging on said locked door.
Holly jumped back with a startled gasped.
“I’ll unlock it,” he said, turning around and heading to let his vociferous pal inside.
Along with the rest of the grinning volleyball crew.
“What in the world were you doing in here? Having an ice cream fight?” Tanner frowned, tipping his head to peer up at the ceiling. “And you didn’t invite us?”
Harper snickered. “This some new kind of foreplay?”
Color rose up Holly’s neck and flooded her cheeks, rivaling the pink splattered around the stark white and sky blue room.
“Yeah, you two looked awfully cozy when we got to the door.” One of the other guys smiled. “Sorry to interrupt.”
“The only thing you interrupted was me giving Doctor Turner his change,” Holly said, lifting her chin so high you’d swear she had a nosebleed.
Unsure if she’d welcome his help, he decided he didn’t care, he was giving it just the same.
Straightening his spine, he stared the guys down. “Not that it’s any of your business, but Donny had a slight mishap with the blender, and I was helping Ms. Phillips clean up. How about you can the teasing and pitch in?”
“It’s my fault.” The beet red employee stepped away from the window to face the men. “Darn lid blew off the blender and now the raspberry milkshake is all over the store, and Holly slipped and hurt her arm.”
The smile disappeared from everyone’s faces as they eyed the make-shift sling around the blushing woman’s neck. Jokes put aside, the men snapped to attention before springing into action. Harper re-locked the door. Jesse and the two others headed behind the counter toward the storage closet, and Tanner, hell, Tanner made a beeline straight for his parasailing buddy.
Before Jace could.
“We’ll get this cleaned up, Hol.” Like a seasoned rescuer, the guy led her by her good arm to a clean chair in the corner. “Just sit there and leave this to us.”
“Okay. Thanks.” Damn woman smiled up at Tanner. And it reached her eyes, too.
Jace rubbed at his tight chest. Not two minutes ago, she’d refused his offer to help. Of course, none of the other guys were doctors. But dwelling on it solved nothing. She needed help, and he was going to take advantage of her permission.
Fifteen minutes later, working as a unit, he and the guys had the place spotless and reopened for business, only having to tell her twice to sit down. He studied her as she rose to her feet and headed back behind the counter. She didn’t appear to be ticked-off at having been made to sit back while they’d cleaned. In fact, she smiled a genuine smile and even directed it at him.
All the air seemed to be sucked from the room. He stared, mesmerized at the light sparkling in her gaze.
So damn gorgeous.
“Free dessert for everyone,” she announced.
Woots went up around the room.
“As long as it’s not a milkshake.” Tanner winked, and poor Donny blushed at his stance by the window.
She smiled at her employee. “I’m sure Donny can handle it this time. And once our industrial machine is repaired, we can put the darn blender back in storage.”